
Pandemic Left Drivers Irritable

The COVID-19 pandemic has presented a wide array of challenges to all of us. People have been facing many serious problems since the onset of the pandemic, and one of such issues affecting a lot of people across the country is safety on roads. As the COVID-19 pandemic has resulted in the emptying of US […]


Six Books That Give Others Looks

Six of the Dr. Seuess books would be pulled off from all the online platforms and retail stores after these books garnered attention for the offensive, racist and insensitive imageries included in them. The six books are “And to Think That I Saw It on Mulberry Street, If I Ran the Zoo, McElligot’s Pool, On […]


10 Interesting Facts About Indonesia

Located in South-East Asia, Indonesia is a vast archipelago that is only fourth in terms of population. Believe it or not, the island country has a thriving population of more than 261.1 million people. It also boasts of diverse culture, including the presence of uncontacted tribes living in deep forests. Most people perceive this nation […]


What Is Sexual Harassment In The Workplace And What To Do About It?

What Is Sexual Harassment In The Workplace? Many things are often dismissed in society due to a lack of proper definition. When important boundaries remain loosely defined, perpetrators often exploit the circumstances. One of the instances of this is sexual harassment in the workplace. Coming to the more pertinent question, what counts as sexual harassment […]


World Race To Electric Cars

Electric cars have been at the forefront of the century and the push for them is increasingly substantial in our decade. Reasons include a reduction in emission, long-term money-savers, more responsive driving experience and, believe it or not, a decline in your chances of getting in an accident. According to Orange County car accident lawyer, […]


2021 Brings the Simultaneous Release of Warner Bros. Films – To HBO Max and Theaters

While the world is opening up post-lockdown due to Covid-19, different sectors of the economy are trying hard to recover. This has led to the implication of clever marketing strategies, especially for online businesses. However, it seems that online streaming services are falling short of what they can do. Even though public places have now […]


Lockdowns Creeping In

The situation is not getting any better in the United States, and panic struck governors are now looking for ways to control the spread of the deadly coronavirus. The COVID-19 cases across the US surged to their highest levels since the advent of the pandemic, the governors are now concerned about the consequences once winter […]


Philadelphia Shooting and Protests

Just as #BlackLivesMatter has been trending across the country, there is news of another tragic death. A 27-year-old black man lost his life after being fatally shot by a policeman. This marked protests across Philadelphia, resulting in numerous arrests. Thirty police officers were injured in the course of the protests, among whom, one sergeant had […]


Top 10 Richest People in America

When it comes to calculating wealth, analyzing how much fortune a person owns in America is not easy. Their wide variety of sources and many forms of income make it difficult to set any boundary to where their fortune ends. From cash to real estate investments, cars, stakes at private and public companies, jewelry, planes, […]


Pros vs Cons of Wearing a Mask While Driving

As a consequence of the outbreak of the coronavirus, socio-economic and physiological distress has spread globally. After the emergency was declared, the number of people traveling in cars has reduced significantly. However, you still need to get out of your house to get some basic necessities. Various frontline health workers are risking their lives every day. […]